DESIGN: We introduced the shared learning experience in clinical pharmacy and pharmacotherapeutic practice experiences involving 87 third-year and 51 fourth-year students. Both student groups undertook the practice experiences together, with third-year students working in smaller groups mentored by fourth-year students.
ASSESSMENT: A majority of the students (> 75%) believed that they learned to work as a team during their practice experiences and that the shared learning approach provided an opportunity to practice their communication skills. Similarly, most respondents (> 70%) agreed that the new approach would help them become effective members of the healthcare team and would facilitate their professional relationships in future practice. Almost two-thirds of the students believed that the shared learning enhanced their ability to understand clinical problems. However, about 31% of the pharmacy students felt that they could have learned clinical problem-solving skills equally well working only with peers from their own student group.
CONCLUSIONS: The pharmacy students in the current study generally believed that the shared-learning approach enhanced their ability to understand clinical problems and improved their communication and teamwork skills. Both groups of students were positive that they had acquired some skills through the shared-learning approach.
METHODOLOGY: The original risk perception questionnaire, consisting of 22 items, was translated into the local language and culturally adapted. The translation process involved forward translation, expert panel discussions, and back translation to ensure linguistic equivalence. The translated questionnaire was then administered to a sample of palm oil plantation workers in Terengganu, Malaysia, for validation purposes. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to assess the model fitness of the questionnaire, and Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was calculated to determine the internal consistency reliability of the final model.
RESULTS: The translated risk perception questionnaire demonstrated good model fitness as indicated by CFA results (X2=224, df=79, p-value<0.0001, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)=0.07, goodness of fit index (GFI)=0.929, comparative fit index (CFI)=0.902). The questionnaire's final version has one factor comprising 13 items, selected based on factor loadings and theoretical relevance. The internal consistency reliability of the 13-item questionnaire was satisfactory, with a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of α=0.77.
CONCLUSION: The 13-item risk perception questionnaire demonstrated a good model fit and acceptable internal consistency reliability. It shows that the questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to evaluate the level of risk perception on safety and health among palm oil plantation workers in Malaysia.