METHODS: A retrospective review was performed on a group of paediatric population aged 0 till 12 years of age, with a history of admission to paediatric ENT ward from the year 2010 till 2015 in HTJS. Initially, 69 children with the diagnoses of various neck infections were identified. Then, the sample amount was narrowed to 30 patients with neck abscesses only.
RESULTS: The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test. Twentyfive out of the 30 patients required operative drainage of abscess (83.3%). In this group, children aged ≤2 years old were the largest group to have undergone surgical drainage. Only five patients were successfully treated with antibiotic therapy alone. Nineteen children came only after developing neck swelling for more than a week, in which 18 of them required surgery.
CONCLUSION: Younger group of children are more likely to undergo surgical drainage than older children for neck abscess. Also, children who came in after two weeks of symptoms have a higher probablity of requiring surgery than antbiotic alone. Nonetheless, every child who comes in with neck abscess should be evaluated and treated early to avoid any sinister complications.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Quantitative research with a survey approach and observation of hand washing compliance of all nurses N = 321 with a sample of n = 178 nurses. The research variables studied consisted of intention, discipline, self-assessment, opportunity compliance and implementation of the nurse's hand washing. Nurse handwashing compliance observations were made by Infection Prevention Control Link Nurse (IPCN) committee. Data analysis using structural equation modelling (SEM) with smart partial least square (SmartPLS 3.0) application.
RESULTS: The nurse's intention to apply the theory of planned behaviour has no significant effect on the implementation of hand washing with path coefficients of 0.104 and p-value 0.221 > 0.05. The effect of nurses' intentions on the implementation of nurse hand washing through discipline is significant with a value of variance accounted for (VAF) 0.8043 or 80.43 % of nurse discipline is a complete mediation variable.
CONCLUSION: Discipline as a complete meditation variable in the application of the theory of planned behaviour in the compliance of nurses' hand washing five moments six steps. Nurses are expected to continuously improve their discipline independently or be assisted by training activities facilitated by the hospital.