The prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in a country largely reflects its standards of hygiene and socioeconomic conditions. Countries which undergo socioeconomic development show major change in HAV prevalence from high to low endemicity, and this is largely reflected in patterns of age-related seroprevalence. This paper presents age-related HAV seroprevalence patterns of SE Asian countries, and highlights how these patterns have changed over recent decades. Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia have experienced a decline in childhood and adolescent HAV seroprevalence, typical of countries which undergo socioeconomic development. By contrast, India has remained a country of high endemicity, with almost universal seroconversion in childhood. The Philippines and Vietnam show age-related seroprevalence patterns typical of high to moderate endemicity, while Indonesia shows significant regional variation in HAV seroprevalence. Populations within countries which exhibit major improvements in endemicity and age related HAV seroprevalence patterns are at risk of HAV epidemics, and a paradoxical increase in incidence tends to occur as seroconversion shifts from children to adults. The residents of these countries, a significant number of whom are at-risk, would benefit from a program of vaccination, as would non-infected individuals visiting high-risk areas.
Meningitis due to an invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infection, has been previously perceived to be relatively uncommon in Asia. However, the incidence of disease and its impact may have been underestimated. In addition to a lack of microbiological facilities in some hospitals, difficulties in culturing the organism and the widespread use of antibiotics may have hidden the true incidence of the disease in some countries. Furthermore, the reported disease burden probably underestimates the incidence of Hib pneumonia. The epidemiology of invasive Hib disease for various Asian nations is reviewed in this paper. Hospital-based studies show that Hib is a major cause of bacterial meningitis and/or pneumonia in the Philippines, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam. Singapore and Hong Kong have a low incidence of infection compared with Western and other Asian nations. This low incidence is not due to a higher level of natural protective antibodies, but may be related to an interaction between environmental and genetic factors. Therefore the widespread belief that Hib infection is unimportant in Asia does not refer to Asia as a whole and possibly to Chinese patients only, and failure to recognize this has serious implications. The inclusion of Hib vaccine in the routine infant immunization schedule in many industrialized nations has significantly reduced the incidence of invasive disease. Recent studies have shown Hib vaccination is also effective in preventing invasive disease in children in developing countries. While population-based data may be required to confirm the need for public-funded infant Hib immunization in Asia, its introduction in countries with a high incidence of Hib meningitis and/or pneumonia has the potential to significantly improve pediatric health and survival.
Large volume of new data on the natural history and treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection have become available since 2008. These include further studies in asymptomatic subjects with chronic HBV infection and community-based cohorts, the role of HBV genotype/naturally occurring HBV mutations, the application of non-invasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis and quantitation of HBV surface antigen and new drug or new strategies towards more effective therapy. To update HBV management guidelines, relevant new data were reviewed and assessed by experts from the region, and the significance of the reported findings was discussed and debated. The earlier "Asian-Pacific consensus statement on the management of chronic hepatitis B" was revised accordingly. The key terms used in the statement were also defined. The new guidelines include general management, indications for fibrosis assessment, time to start or stop drug therapy, choice of drug to initiate therapy, when and how to monitor the patients during and after stopping drug therapy. Recommendations on the therapy of patients in special circumstances, including women in childbearing age, patients with antiviral drug resistance, concurrent viral infection, hepatic decompensation, patients receiving immune suppression or chemotherapy and patients in the setting of liver transplantation and hepatocellular carcinoma, are also included.