This is a study of infant feeding practices of 126 mothers. Seventy-seven mothers or 61.1% practised breast feeding. The typical breast feeding mother was more likely to be a Malay, with lower family income and residing in the rural area. The educational status of the mother was not an important factor in influencing her to breast feed. Health education on breast feeding should be intensified in schools to reinforce the implementation of the Malaysian Code of Ethics for Infant Formula Products.
This is a study of 148 women seeking induced abortion by doctors. The typical woman in this study was married, with 2 or more children, Chinese, urban, 21-30 years and had completed primary education. She was motivated to defer pregnancy and to a lesser extent to limit family size by resorting to induced abortion.
In a survey of 5233 patients seen in the clinics of three general practitioners, 339 patients were found to be doctor hoppers (6.48 per cent). Respiratory symptoms and fever were the commonest presentation affecting mainly the paediatric age group. No improvement in the symptoms was quoted as the most common reason for switching to another doctor. Many factors contributed to doctor hopping and these were best considered in relation to the illness, the patient and the doctor: From the point of prevention, the doctor himself has a significant role to play, particularly in improving the doctor-patient relationship and patient compliance.
Study site: Johor (Johor Bahru, Batu Pahat, Muar)