Molecular characterization of a total of 52 human isolates of Salmonella typhi from Papua New Guinea was performed by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after digestion of chromosomal DNA with three restriction endonucleases, XbaI (5'-TCTAGA-3'), AvrII (5'-CCTAGG-3'), and SpeI (5'-ACTAGT-3'). Of the 52 isolates tested, 11 were obtained from patients with fatal typhoid fever and 41 were obtained from patients with nonfatal disease. The 52 isolates showed limited genetic diversity as evidenced by only three different PFGE patterns detected following digestion with XbaI (patterns X1 to X3; F [coefficient of similarity] = 0.86 to 1.0), four patterns detected following digestion with AvrII (patterns A1 to A4; F =0.78 to 1.0), and two patterns detected following digestion with SpeI (patterns S1 and S2; F = 0.97 to 1.0). Of the 52 isolates, 37 were phage typed, and all belonged to phage type D2. All 11 isolates obtained from patients with fatal typhoid fever were identical (F = 1.0) and possessed the PFGE pattern combination X1S1A1, whereas the 41 isolates from patients with nonfatal typhoid fever had various PFGE pattern combinations, the most common being X2S1A2 (39%), X1S1A1 (24%), and X1S1A2 (15%). Thus, all the isolates from patients with the fatal disease had the X1 and A1 patterns, whereas the majority of the isolates from patients with nonfatal typhoid fever possessed the X2 and A2 patterns. The data suggest that there is an association among strains of S. typhi between genotype, as assessed by PFGE patterns, and the capability to cause fatal illness. Analysis of blood and fecal isolates of S. typhi from the same patient also indicated that some genetic changes occur in vivo during the course of infection.
Buruli ulcer (BU) is the third most common mycobacterial disease in immunocompetent hosts. BU is caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, which produces skin ulcers and necrosis at the site of infection. The principal virulence factor of M. ulcerans is a polyketide-derived macrolide named mycolactone, which has cytotoxic and immunosuppressive activities. We determined the severity of inflammation, histopathology and bacillary loads in the subcutaneous footpad tissue of BALB/c mice infected with 11 different M. ulcerans isolates from diverse geographical areas. Strains from Africa (Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast) induced the highest inflammation, necrosis and bacillary loads, whereas the strains collected from Australia, Asia (Japan, Malaysia, New Guinea), Europe (France) and America (Mexico) induced mild inflammation. Subsequently, animals were infected with the strain that exhibited the highest (Benin) or lowest (Mexico) level of virulence in order to analyse the local immune response generated. The Mexican strain, which does not produce mycolactone, induced a predominantly T helper type 1 (Th1) cytokine profile with constant high expression of the anti-microbial peptides beta defensins 3 and 4, in co-existence with low expression of the anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-10, IL-4 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta. The highly virulent strain from Benin which produces mycolactone A/B induced the opposite pattern. Thus, different local immune responses were found depending on the infecting M. ulcerans strain.
Nearly every 2 minutes, somewhere in the world, a woman dies because of complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Every such death is an overwhelming catastrophe for everyone confronted with it. Most deaths occur in developing countries, especially in Africa and southern Asia, but a significant number also occur in the developed world.