MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective study of YOCRC (<50 years) over 8 years (January 2013 to December 2021). Immunohistochemistry staining of FOXP3, BRAFV600E, and MMR protein expression was performed using monoclonal antibodies. The staining intensity and percentage of positive cells were used to evaluate the staining using immunoreactive scoring. All data were analysed using descriptive and correlation statistics. A p-value of ≤ 0.05 was taken as statistically significant.
RESULTS: A total of 65 YOCRC patients were diagnosed, out of which 53.8% had proficient MMR (pMMR) with a mean age of 41, while 46.2% had deficient MMR (dMMR) with a mean age of 35.5. The pMMR with the BRAFV600E+ group expressed higher FOXP3+Tregs (54.2%) than the dMMR with the BRAFV600E+ group (22.9%). Patients with lower FOXP3+Tregs were observed more in dMMR with BRAFV600E- (47%) than in pMMR with BRAFV600E- (5.9%). There was a statistically significant association between the density of expressed FOXP3+Tregs with MMR and BRAFV600E status (p=0.002).
CONCLUSION: While most of the YOCRC had pMMR, others exhibited dMMR with loss of one or more MMR proteins. The presence of BRAFV600E demonstrated the YOCRC's sporadic nature. A high FOXP3+Treg expression was significantly associated with MMR and BRAFV600E status. Future research must be expanded to cover other hospitals to increase the sample size and include MLH1 hypermethylation testing.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were part of a prospective multicentre observational study recruiting people with bladder cancer for a urine biomarker study (DETECT II; NCT02781428). A mixed-methods approach comprising (1) a questionnaire to assess patients' experience with cystoscopy and patients' preference for cystoscopy vs urinary biomarker, and (2) semi-structured interviews to understand patient views, choice and reasons for their preference.
RESULTS: A urine biomarker with an MAS of 90% would be accepted by 75.8% of patients. This was despite a high self-reported prevalence of haematuria (51.0%), dysuria/lower urinary tract symptoms (69.1%) and urinary tract infection requiring antibiotics (25.8%). There was no association between MAS with patient demographics, adverse events experienced, cancer characteristics or distance of patients' home to hospital. The qualitative analysis suggested that patients acknowledge that cystoscopy is invasive, embarrassing and associated with adverse events but are willing to tolerate the procedure because of its high sensitivity. Patients have confidence in cystoscopy and appreciate the visual diagnosis of cancer. Both low- and high-risk patients would consider a biomarker with a reported sensitivity similar to that of cystoscopy.
CONCLUSION: Patients value the high sensitivity of cystoscopy despite the reported discomfort and adverse events experienced after it. The sensitivity of a urinary biomarker must be close to cystoscopy to gain patients' acceptance.
CASE REPORT: This case report is that of a 9-year-old male who presented with frontal headache of eight days, with associated photophobia, nausea and vomiting, and diplopia. Biopsy with intraoperative navigation was done and the specimen was referred for histopathologic evaluation. The biopsy showed findings consistent with a mature teratoma with no histologic findings of an immature component or secondary somatic malignancy. Comparison of the pre-operative and post-operative multiaxial cranial CT scan showed findings that was consistent with a residual lesion. This was correlated with the pre-operative serum tumour markers which showed alpha-fetoprotein of 22.5 ng/mL and beta-HCG of 1.0 mIU/mL(IU/L), and the post-operative tumour markers of the cerebrospinal fluid that showed alpha-fetoprotein of 3.28 ng/mL and beta-HCG of 18.9 mIU/mL (IU/L).
CONCLUSION: A review of the literature and comparison with current case in relation to the histopathologic, serum and CSF findings, and imaging studies was done to better understand the mechanism of this lesion.
METHODS: We used multiplex array technology to simultaneously detect and quantify 32 plasma analyte (22 reported analytes and 10 novel analytes) levels in 38 patients.
RESULTS: In our study, 16 analytes are found to be significantly deregulated (13 higher, 3 lower, Mann-Whitney U-test, P-value <0.005), where 5 of them have never been reported before in AML. We predicted a seven-analyte-containing multiplex panel for diagnosis of AML and, among them, MIF could be a possible therapeutic target. In addition, we observed that circulating analytes show five co-expression signatures.
CONCLUSIONS: Circulating analyte expression in AML significantly differs from normal, and follow distinct expression patterns.