Aims: The primary objective was to evaluate whether addiction-specific cues compared with neutral cues, i.e., negative emotional valence cues vs. positive emotional valence cues, would elicit activation of the dopaminergic reward network (i.e., precuneus, nucleus accumbens, and amygdala) and consecutive deactivation of the executive control network [i.e., medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC)], in the PIGU subjects.
Method: An fMRI cue-induced reactivity study was performed using negative emotional valence, positive emotional valence, and truly neutral cues, using Instagram themes. Thirty subjects were divided into PIGU and healthy control (HC) groups, based on a set of diagnostic criteria using behavioral tests, including the Modified Instagram Addiction Test (IGAT), to assess the severity of PIGU. In-scanner recordings of the subjects' responses to the images and regional activity of the neural addiction pathways were recorded.
Results: Negative emotional valence > positive emotional valence cues elicited increased activations in the precuneus in the PIGU group. A negative and moderate correlation was observed between PSC at the right mPFC with the IGAT scores of the PIGU subjects when corrected for multiple comparisons [r = -0.777, (p < 0.004, two-tailed)].
Conclusion: Addiction-specific Instagram-themed cues identify the neurobiological underpinnings of Instagram addiction. Activations of the dopaminergic reward system and deactivation of the executive control network indicate converging neuropathological pathways between Instagram addiction and other types of addictions.
AREAS COVERED: We intend to discuss the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment modalities directed toward EBV-associated LPD in patients with distinct IEIs.
EXPERT OPINION: EBV-driven lymphoproliferation in IEIs presents a diagnostic and therapeutic problem that necessitates a comprehensive understanding of host-pathogen interactions, immune dysregulation, and personalized treatment approaches. A multidisciplinary approach involving immunologists, hematologists, infectious disease specialists, and geneticists is paramount to addressing the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges posed by this intriguing yet formidable clinical entity.