A middle-aged gentleman with history of left penetrating keratoplatsy presented with left eye perforated corneal graft secondary to infective keratitis. The affected eye was blind from absolute steroid-induced glaucoma. In view of expected poor graft survival in a blind eye, globe removal was offered. However, the patient refused the treatment and request for another corneal graft. This case highlights both the possibility of good outcome of cornea graft in such a case, and also illustrates that patient’s autonomy to refuse treatment option outweighs beneficence.
Identification of causative organisms of clinically suspected microbial keratitis is very important so that appropriate targeted antimicrobial treatment can be offered to patients. The current routine method of corneal scraping specimens on to multiple agar culture plates for microbiological study is not really providing encouraging result. Our trial of modified technique of using BACTEC broth for three clinically suspected microbial keratitis cases worked 100% to identify the causative organisms in cases of microbial keratitis.
Keywords: culture media, cornea, keratitis