The aim of this study was to assess spatial and seasonal variations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC, respectively) in the Setiu Wetland, which is located in the southern region of the South China Sea coastal area. Surface water samples were collected monthly from October 2009-September 2010. In addition, the concentration of chlorophyll-a was determined. The DOC and POC mean concentration varied between 80-340 μM and 60-115 μM, respectively. The results showed that the concentrations of these parameters were mainly influenced by human activities and season. Higher concentrations of DOC (150-340 μM) and POC (75-115 μM) were found at stations near the populated area, aquaculture and palm oil plantation. In addition, higher concentrations of DOC (200-275 μM) and POC (105-150 μM) were also recorded during the monsoon season due to runoff from terrestrial sources and resuspension from bottom sediments. No significant correlation between the low molecular weight (LMW) fractions of DOC and chlorophyll-a (R2=0.0096, p>0.05) further supports the hypothesis that phytoplankton not playing key role in regulating the organic carbon distribution. Higher percentage of LMW DOC in monsoon season suggesting possible input of this fraction from land runoff to the wetland are
A study was carried out to determine the distribution and behaviour of nitrogen (N) compounds (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia,
dissolved and particulate organic nitrogen) in Sungai Terengganu estuary (TRE). Surface water samples were collected
during ebb neap and spring tides for the longitudinal survey along the salinity gradient. The results indicated that all N
compounds behave non-conservatively with addition during both tidal cycles, except for nitrate which exhibited removal
behaviour during spring tide. In general, higher concentration of N compounds was observed during spring tide compared
to neap tide. It is suggested that during spring tide, stronger water turbulence resulted in resuspension of nutrients in
bottom sediment and lead to the increase in N compounds concentrations in the surface water. The diurnal survey for the
freshwater station showed that the concentrations of N compounds follow the ebb and flood variations, whereas for the
coastal station the reverse trend was observed. Comparisons with a previous study under similar tidal conditions show
there was an increase in nitrite and ammonia concentrations in TRE, which was probably due to increase in discharge
from the rapid development activities around this area. In addition, the presence of a breakwater at the lower part of
the estuary may also contribute to the high nutrient content in the estuary due to restricted outflow of nutrients to the
coastal area. Overall, the results from this study highlighted the importance of monitoring the N compounds for future
protection of the estuary.