Following the process change from counselor scheme to psychology officerscheme in the year 2007, has led to changes in its role and function. Thedemands for effective job performance criteria for the scheme are surely different. Therefore, this study aimed to identify what are the criteria for effective job performance that have been the demands of the new service scheme from the perspective of Job Analysis Based on Personality (PBJA) and the Five Factor Personality Model (FFM). The design of the study is quantitative using the Personality-Related Position Requirements (PPRF) questionnaire adapted by Fatimah wati Halim et al. (2013). A total of 161 Malaysian Public Service Psychology Officers participated as respondents for the study. Results of the analysis of the measurement model of PBJA (modification) using AMOS 5 showed that general trustworthiness is the most important job personality to ensure effective job performance, followed by cooperation, emotional stability and thoroughness. On the contrary, leadership, friendly and achievement motivation are only helpful. The resulted PBJA measurement model (modification) can be taken as a guideline to build psychometric instrument for job personality, to produce desk-file/job description tasks, management and development of human resource for psychology officers. Future research needs to examine personality factors and their influence on psychology officers’ job personality.