
  • 1 Universiti Teknologi MARA


This study focuses on the effect of boronizing medium on the boride layer thickness of pack boronized 304 stainless steel after surface modification. Pack boronizing treatment was conducted in temperature of 900oC for a duration of eight hours. The treatment was performed using two different boronizing mediums which are powder and paste inside a tight box in an induction furnace. The characteristics of the samples were then observed using optical microscopy and XRD analyser. The thickness of boride layer was then measured using MPS digital image analysis software. The results showed that boronizing medium significantly affected the thickness of boride layer as paste boronized samples exhibited thicker boride layer thickness. The enhancement was mainly due to the size of boron particle in the paste medium which was smaller than powder medium that enabled better diffusion. It is expected that the enhancement of the boride layer thickness would result in further improvement of the mechanical and wear properties of this material.