
  • 1 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • 2 Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


Ocean wave energy is a renewable energy that is abundant on Earth. It is a concentrated
form of solar energy where differential heating on Earth generate wind which transfer their energy into
open water in form of waves. In relation to atmospheric emission, wave power is less environmentallydegrading
than most other form of power generation. The fluctuating wave contains potential and
mechanical energy which can be converted into electrical energy. A special device needs to be
developed to harness the energy which is called Float Wave Energy Converter (FWEC). The purpose
of this project is to design, fabricate and test the experimental model of FWEC. The efficiency of the
model will be analysed based on wave power and power generated. The model are capable to generate
power for small devices with low power consumption. The power generated from designated FWEC
will be depends on several parameters which is wave amplitude, diameter ratio and shape of the model.
This parameter would be used to determine the best design for FWEC. Copyright © 2015 Penerbit
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