Mushroom can be used as a biological indicator in assessing radiological impact on the
environment. Radiological effect would be reflected through morphological changes as well as
those changes at molecular level. For this purpose, a preliminary work was conducted, which
included DNA isolation, optimization of PCR parameters for Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR)
and primers screening on Pleurotus sajor caju mushroom strains from Nuclear Malaysia’s
Sterifeed Mushrooms Collection Centre. In this work, DNA isolation technique from cap and stalk
of fruit body were optimized and quantified. It was found that stalk produced highest amount of
genomic DNA at 304.01ng/µl and cap at 149.00ng/µl. A total of 100 ISSR primers were tested and
51 primers were successfully amplified. These primers will be used further for dose response
evaluation and molecular profiling in mushroom species.